UK publishers joined our London breakfast in December 2018 to discuss challenges about #reporting during a panel with some of our UK clients, including The Guardian.
We interviewed Andrew Hayward-Wright, Head of Programmatic Solutions at The Guardian, to understand more about how his teams manage programmatic advertising. Below you can find the video and the full interview.
If you want to learn more about how their teams use Report and Sell to have all their advertising business in one place and better target their sales efforts,



Andrew Hayward-Wright, The Guardian, December 7th 2018, London


Adomik: How has header bidding impacted your business, and have you seen a market shift toward server-side solutions with real positive upside? What are the benefits and challenges?
ANDREW HAYWARD-WRIGHT: “So, header bidding has given us the opportunity to branch out to have more partners, test demand, look at supply path optimization and start to have conversations with our demand side and buyers around which route to buying the Guardian inventory is best.”
“In terms of the shift to server side we’ve tested client side for quite some time. Obviously it has its benefits in terms of the match rates and the performance of a SSPs but it has its limitations in terms of the scale and control side of things. So on the server side we started testing about two years ago with Sonobi and now we have a foray with the Ozone Project, News, Telegraph which has a server side connection. And the reason we want to continue that is because of the market adoption is starting to happen and we’ve seen really good its success in terms of being able to scale with more partners quicker as they get adapters and then it gives us that control, as I mentioned before, that we can start looking at uniqueness of demand, and having everyone within one place it’s just much easier for the ops team to use, sales team to set things up in as well.”

Adomik: How does the Guardian use the Adomik platform?
ANDREW HAYWARD-WRIGHT: At the Guardian, multiple teams have touchpoints with the Adomik platform: Operations, Sales, BI, Data and Insights, Finance.”
“Our BI and Data Insights teams use the Adomik Platform initially on a macro level to get a grasp of our business activity and the information available, and then they’ll deep dive and compare this to our own editorial data and other non-programmatic data to extract useful insights.”
“The sales team use it as spot checks of like a buyer is activating in the open exchange and understand the time to have a conversation with them, around pushing them up the funnel, we can help them to drive better performance through PMPs, or if it’s programmatic guaranteed potentially it’s a better option.”
“The Ops team uses it as a reference point to see if something’s going on. If we see an unexpected drop in an SSP that’s not due to seasonality, it’s a great red flag for us to go to the exchange that has something wrong and fix it right away. In the past it took weeks to do the revenue numbers when finally the problems were revealed which caused a huge loss of revenue. So today it’s much more on the fly and we’re able to optimize as we go.”

The Adomik Breakfasts

Adomik breakfast is a meeting place for publishers who want to understand more about their stack. At our breakfasts we dive into the challenges about monetization. 

Adomik breakfast Panel

Adomik Breakfast Panel, December 7th 2018, London

If you want to join our next breakfast, or have any questions about the interview:


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adomik breakfast adomik platform header bidding programmatic reporting The Guardian