We’re happy to announce the launch of CTR and Viewability metrics in Report!
As a reminder, Report is the first cross-channel data aggregation tool that unifies all your advertising data into a single holistic dashboard.
When you log into Report, you can switch to “CTR & Viewability mode”,
Source: Adomik Report
CTR and Viewability metrics together will allow you to:
- Identify placements that have higher viewability and stronger performance
- Manage your deals by packaging high performance scope
- Monitor correlations between CPM, CTR and Viewability
- Follow metrics evolution through different dimensions like Transaction Type, Device, Format, Ad Slot
- Monitor metrics evolution over time following a change of strategy
We have also included the metric “Coverage” to ensure clarity in the percent of impressions that provide click and viewability metrics.
For more information about Report and the new dimensions, please contact us by clicking below:
Our sales team will contact you to schedule a demo and answer your questions.