Yield Management Use Cases
Smart Advertising Analytics for advertising yield management
Smart Advertising Analytics to manage direct & programmatic advertising yield and to implement stronger revenue strategies for digital advertising
Smart Advertising Analytics to manage direct & programmatic advertising yield and to implement stronger revenue strategies for digital advertising
For whom
Access advanced advertising data to reinforce your decision making process, on pricing and more
Advertising Yield Management Use Cases
Receive automated recommendations powered by machine learning with estimated lift on your revenue
Optimize your set of prebid bidders, time-out settings, user ID modules, etc. per environment (Desktop Web, Mobile Web, In-App), audience type (cookie or cookieless), or section based on Adomik recommendations
A/B test your changes and monitor the revenue uplift in full transparency until the next recommendation cycle!
Launch custom A/B tests through a user-friendly interface for any change that you want to apply to your prebid setup, whether they are based on Adomik automated recommendations or not: time-out reduction, bidder removal, move from client to server-side, removal of an ad unit, etc.
Assess the overall impact of the change with dedicated measurement of the revenue uplift on your entire advertising activity (Direct, PGs, PMPs, Open Auction) and your user monetization (revenue per user, per session, etc.)
Implement the changes of your choice with full confidence in the expected results
Compare in one view the “CPM pyramid” across the Sales channels (PG (Programmatic Guaranteed), PMP (Private Marketplace), Open Auction) for any selection of inventory
Analyze the impact on overall revenue, CPM, and revenue per mille (RPM) of every change you make: new supply-side platform (SSP) in the Header, update of floor prices, new PMP, etc.
Leverage the TROUBLESHOOT “Gains” data to ensure that your PMP are delivering incremental revenue vs. Open Auction
Switch to Adomik’s “CTR / Viewability” view to access your full inventory’s quality data at a glance
Easily identify high value inventory to adapt pricing and package better PMP proposals
Use REPORT Buyers/Brands tables to discover the buyers and brands active on each SSP
List the unique demand brought by your SSP in the header or behind Open Bidding
Secure the SSP that brings the most exclusive demand
Compare your PG, PMP, Open Auction CPM and Share of Voice to that of your peers, on display, video, native, mobile, etc. in BENCHMARK
Adjust your pricing and revenue strategy based on comprehensive market data
"Before Adomik we needed to run multiple reports and also rely on other departments. The amount of time we used to spend pulling and standardizing data from different exchanges created a lot of inefficiency. It was time-consuming and we didn’t get the right insights. With Adomik, we stopped wasting time on data collection; now we can finally spend our time in analysis with the right insights. Keeping it simple is very hard. Adomik is both simple and impactful."
Ravikumar Munukutla
Principal Product Manager
Cox Automotive